Monday 21 September 2015

Cuan Sound 29/30 Aug 2015 

Another wet and windy forecast for a Club weekend away! With heavy rain falling as we met at the Atlantic Bridge at Clachan we decided to head for the pub first!  There was little improvement in the weather as we set off into the relative shelter of Seil Sound. With the wind against us thoughts of exploring further evaporated and we headed for Cuan Sound to get the last of the favourable tidal stream at about 3pm. We zipped through the sound but were alarmed by the “wall of waves” appearing to block the exit. Fortunately by staying close to the shore we were able to avoid this and paddled round to Easdale for our camp. Sunday was forecast to be the better day but it was still very overcast and windy. We set out from Easdale into the wind and a big swell heading for Belnahua. Here Ken and Liz waited on the island whilst the others - Oliver, Naomi, Gillian and Brian paddled on to explore further. On their return we all sped back to Easdale with a following wind and tide. Once again a very interesting and enjoyable weekend, in spite of the weather.

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